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Dear friends, many of you have kindly been asking for more insight into the Time Out Retreat as reported in the Record. Please visit our page on the Church Road website and press the link! The fast-paced movie style trailer makes for a great 90 second viewing, but does require some speed reading or use of the pause button! Thank you for your ongoing encouragement and support!
Caroline and Sharon (Time Out Leaders)

When you take down your Easter cards, rather than throwing them into the brown bin please consider bringing them to Church so that they can be recycled into new cards for next year. You can give them to me or put them in the marked box at the back of Church.
Many thanks, Rosemary Wells.

On Saturday 11th May at Church Road Methodist Church from 6.30 p.m. Cost £5 per ticket. Refreshments - hot dogs and sweet treats plus tea and coffee. Games will be provided but feel free to bring any game that three or four can play. Tickets from Bill Ellison (Tel. 07969 168205 or EMail Bill Ellison ). Donations of wrapped chocolate biscuits for the refreshments would be greatly appreciated, as would gifts suitable to be awarded as prizes.

We need knitters to knit children's toys, hearts, poppies or other items suitable for a stall at the back of church. These will be tagged with ‘Church Road Methodist Church’ and sold for fund raising. Please see Sharon Hird (Tel: 07910 622345) if you can help.

The next Church Life meeting will be on Monday 22nd April at 6.30 p.m. If anyone is interested in helping to raise money for the church, please come along
Judith Smith

We have a Local Arrangements Sunday on 19th May (Pentecost). If anyone has any ideas as to what we might do, please let Janette know.

Meetings held on Wednesdays, fortnightly, at The Drive Methodist Church at 2.15 p.m. in the Community Room.
3rd April - Recycling Lives   -    Brian Maine
17th April - Afternoon tea - £5 per person

Please let Janette know if you are interested in finding out more about the following opportunities - all essential if we wish to continue to enjoy worship at Church Road.

  Sound system operators - training will be provided - to go on a rota
  &PowerPoint / Projection - training will be provided - to go on a rota
  Communion Stewards - training will be provided - to go on a rota - usually once every 2 months

Anne Mayes (Tel: 727132) or Janette Farley (Tel: 07958 100041)

7thIn loving memory of John and Clarice Hughes from Margaret Wrigley
Pauline, Tony and Rachel - Birthday memories of Claire
Treasured memories of Vera Pate
In loving memory of Eric and Jean Currie
14thBirthday memories of Evelyn Etherington
Treasured wedding anniversary and birthday memories of Derek Rigby
28thTreasured memories of Conrad Pate

Anyone wishing to make a donation for flowers and flower dedications should give the donation and details to
Elaine Watts or Anne Mayes.

DEADLINE for MAY Notices - THURSDAY 25TH APRIL at 12 noon.

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